We organized a five-day crusade in four regions of Pakistan covering more than 30 communities and villages with over 6,000 persons gathered. About 316 new decisions for Christ among the Muslims and the unsaved were recorded. Their names have been printed out and daily prayers and intercessions are made for these souls. 

Open-air preaching to Muslims is expressed forbidden in Pakistan and can lead to arrest, torture or even death. All Christian activities must be confined and done in Christian colonies only.

We held the crusades in Christian colonies but many Muslims came into the meetings fully covered, possibly out of fear of being discovered by others which might cause serious problems. The gospel was preached and Jesus was projected as the savior and Lord of mankind. A call for salvation was made and hundreds came out in droves to accept Jesus as Lord. 

Christianity is hereditary in Pakistan. It is passed down from generation to generation and the challenge to this, most times, is that some of the households do not personally have a relationship with Jesus as they are Christians simply by birth and it is passed down to them. Through the crusade, the eyes of many of these were opened to the need to know Jesus personally and not just something inherited.

Prayers of faith were made for the sick, we recorded about 70 cases of diverse kinds of miracles, healings and supernatural manifestations of God’s Spirit.