We visited a Hindu community in Pakistan. Hinduism is the second largest religion in Pakistan and most of them live close to the deserts.

There is a missionary we met who has been laboring to preach the gospel among Hindus. He is from a  Hindu background, a believer committed to bringing his fellow Hindu brothers to the message of the gospel.

The scope of work he does is large and humbling. He has about 10 children and devotes four days a week to work and three days to preaching in various Hindu communities.

Currently, he covers 14 Hindu villages spanning over 100km. By God’s grace, he has planted churches in many of these communities and he disciples them. There are also other Hindu missionaries he works with in other communities. He uses a bike to commute between these communities and with no support from outside, hence works for four days to provide for his family and needs.

Through our Partners’ support, we were able to buy a new motorbike for him to enhance the mission work God has committed in his hands, which we paid for registration and fueled the tank. We believe with the motorbike, he can easily go through the various communities preaching the gospel of Christ. This also encouraged him, as he was so grateful